The Smallest Of Prints​

This is a brief agreement for Level-Up Gaming Events (Level-Up!) attendees, and parent/guardian/support people of attendees

Terms aren’t much fun, and it’s not very often that we have to reference them.


Much of this will be obvious to attendees by the way the event is structured, but this is just how we keep things safe and above board, so here we go.

By attending or participating in an event/competition or server, you acknowledge and agree to abide by these terms.

In-Person Events

  1. Please be respectful
  • To other attendees
  • To the equipment
  • To the staff, and/or those facilitating
  • Level-Up! is a safe place for all sorts of interests and inclinations. Please keep the space as positive and inclusive as possible


  1. Please sanitise between games, and practice good hygiene
  • Because we all know how things can spread
  • There will be sanitiser dotted around at the event


  1. Stand clear of the people in VR
  • Please don’t touch people while they’re in VR, it’s very tempting, but pleeease don’t
  • Don’t stand near people in VR. People tend to flail their arms around while in VR, and they may inadvertently hit other attendees if they’re standing too close
  • When in VR, please stay within the virtual boundary. It’s there for everyone’s safety
  • Be careful while using the VR, it can be disorienting. The internet is full of videos of people running into walls, and/or falling over. Level-Up! requests that you sit down on a provided chair while using VR, especially while finding your feet. Level-Up! takes no responsibility for any injuries you or others sustain because of your actions while using VR.


  1. Only play games at Level-Up! that you are allowed to play at home
  • This is a tricky one. It applies to all events designed to include people under 18
  • Depending on the event, often there will be games present that are suitable for specific age groups, such as M15+ rated games
  • Where applicable, Level-Up! requires attendees and parent/guardians of attendees to take responsibility for attendees only playing games suitable for them
  • Level-Up! cannot monitor the suitability of different games for different people
  • There will not be any games rated 18+ at events designed to include people under 18


  1. If you bring your own things along then please take care of them yourself
  • In certain circumstances we will setup additional screens for people who bring their own consoles. Or designate space for people who bring their own devices. But Level-Up! cannot take any responsibility for any personal possessions that are brought along by attendees.
  • If you do bring a device along, Level-Up! cannot monitor other attendees using it
  • Personal possessions remain the responsibility of the owner, or the person who brought them along.
  • If you want to bring your own gadgets or whatnot, please contact us well in advance
  • We’ll ask for bags and backpacks to be left at the door (unless an exception is required and arranged), but this will remain the responsibility of the owner
  • If you bring your own things along, please make sure that they are suitable for the age group of the event.


  1. Cosplay and general get-up
  • Please feel free to wear gaming related outfits, in fact, it’s encouraged.
  • However… Cosplay convention rules apply. Please don’t bring anything that looks like a real weapon, or can be used as one.
  • Please don’t bring anything sharp, or intimidating.
  • Consider your comfort. Wearing a Doomguy helmet for 4 hours sounds like a good idea, but it’ll get super sweaty in there.


  1. Come and get us if you need help
  • Level-Up! folk are here to ensure that you have a good time. If someone is hogging a game, or they’re being rude, or they’re up to some sort of mischief, then let us know. We’re here to help.


  1. Level-Up! wants to promote the festivities
  • As such, we would like to take photographs or videos of people at the event and post them on our social media.
  • We would normally take a group photo, or a happy-snap of a bunch of friends hanging out… but it may also be a picture of an individual doing a cool move in VR, or a person victoriously holding up a controller after they just saved the world from aliens.
  • Whatever the photo is of, we understand that there are a million reasons that you may not want a photo taken of yourself or of the young person you represent.
  • If you do not want to have these photos taken, then please ‘opt-out’, by emailing the RSVP contact and telling the staff members on the night. No questions asked.
  • If you have opted out, then please try not to join in on group photos. But failing that, we can always have a go at ‘photoshopping’ people out.


Online Competitions/Events – i.e. Fortnite Competitions


The following acts are not appropriate or allowed at our events/competitions or on our servers (i.e. Discord)


• Inappropriate behaviour such as using foul and/or offensive language, belittling or threatening behaviour

• Use of derogatory or demeaning language or images based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion or sexual orientation is prohibited

• Harassment can take many forms. Communicating or behaving in a manner that is offensively coarse, intimidating, threatening, or cause annoyance or alarm.

• Posting interpersonal disputes or personal negative commentary publicly when such communications should occur through private channels of communication

• Flaming, such as hostile or disruptive posts intended to incite an angry response or to encourage other users to violate these rules.

• Abusing Administrators, volunteers or other users

Administrators of Level-Up! have the final say on what is or is not appropriate during these events, and ask that you conduct yourself in a way that would generally make Ethel from the local nursing home proud to be your grandmother.

While certain language and images may not offend you, be mindful of others who may have a different reaction.



The following refers more specifically (but not limited to) to the rules of the Discord server


Our rules

– Please don’t be ‘vulgar’ – that word sums up most of what we’re trying to say here
– Don’t mention MEE6’s mother… she’s a saint!
– Don’t mention anyone’s mother
– Don’t even think about anyone’s mother
– If you do so happen to be someone’s mother… then… please, think of yourself as much or as little as you want
– Gamer girls are cool, and don’t need to be reminded
– Pineapple goes on pizzas but not burgers


Our Consequences

Accidentally being vulgar will get you kicked
Deliberately being vulgar will get you banned
Saying – “Yeah? Well $@#% you Level-Up!” … will get you an invite to a special party, where there will be cake.


Yada yada yada… so on and so forth…


If you believe that something that you wish to do, say, think, or generally express is not covered here, or may be in conflict with one of our rules (either stated or implied), then please contact us for clarification immediately and/or before you participate in any event/competition or server hosted by Level-Up! Gaming Events or affiliates.

Level-Up! is a very friendly place, and we 100% encourage people to be passionate about their gaming. But to keep the peace, Level-Up! staff and affiliates reserve the right to ask people to leave, ban or kick from servers and altogether deny admission to events/competitions and servers for failure to observe these terms, and/or for any other reasons they deem appropriate in the moment.


Depending on if there is any other party involved in organising the event/competition or server, other rules may apply in addition to these. These rules also may change from time to time.


Ok that was a barrel of laughs.

To discuss any of this, or if you need to get in touch, please contact us






Welcome to Level-Up! Gaming Events